Banner for PDRI-DevLab Fall 2024 Workshop/Seminar Series: Session 1 September 4th


PDRI-DevLab Fall 2024 Workshop/Seminar Series: Session 1 September 4th

PDRI-DevLab is hosting a Fall 2024 Seminar Series featuring its staff and affiliates.

Topic: The Effects of Desalination Plants on Oceans

Presenter: Leandro S. Pongeluppe

Session Details: The study examines the environmental effects of launching a desalination plant in maritime ecosystems. Using data on all desalination investments worldwide (1950s-2015) and NASA satellite data on the salinity and temperature levels of oceanic grids, it finds that desalination plants increase sea level salinity at the location of the plant and up to 1,000 km from it. This increase was persistent over time for at least two years, and the effects were concentrated in the mixing layer of the oceanic waters. The study further demonstrates how this increase in ocean salinity might contribute to climate change by increasing ocean temperature and potentially global temperatures. It also alludes to the ecological consequences of this increase in local maritime ecosystems

This session will be a seminar and participants are not required to read a paper beforehand.

For more information, reach out to




Leandro Pongeluppe

Leandro “Leo” Pongeluppe is a socio-environmental impact specialist and assistant professor at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, where he is a Leonard J. Horwitz Faculty Scholar. He holds a PhD from the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto. Leo’s research explores how organizational design affects the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, focusing on poverty, environment, and healthcare. Using mixed methods, he examines these issues in Brazilian favelas, the Amazon rainforest, and African HIV/AIDS clinics.

