2024 PDRI-DevLab Graduate Student Research Grants – Announcement of recipient

May 2024

PDRI-DevLab is happy to announce the recipients of this year’s PDRI-DevLab Graduate Student Research Grants. We received many strong applications, and were only able to fund a limited number of proposals. Six Penn graduate students were selected to receive support in this round.

The following outstanding projects were selected for funding:

  • Deepaboli Chatterjee (PhD Student, Political Science): Can Demobilizing Coping Strategies be a Pathway to Mobilization for Marginalized Minorities in a Repressive Environment? A Case Study from India.
  • Rethis Togbedji Gansey (Predoctoral Fellow, PDRI-DevLab): Does traditional Chiefs’ engagement improve civil registration systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence from Benin.
  • Paola Rueda Guevara (PhD Student, Population Studies Center): Exploring Obesity Trends: Unveiling Lifelong Trajectories.
  • Shanze Rauf (PhD Student, Political Science): Rights on the Move: Navigating Norms and the Road Ahead to Accessing Justice.
  • Tanya Vaidya (PhD Student, Political Science): The Temporary Pillar: Exploring the Impact of Contractual Employment in the Government.

Awardees will present the resulting research in PDRI-DevLab fora during the 2024-25 academic year, providing an opportunity to learn more about the funded research projects.

Congratulations to all of the awardees!
