Banner for 2020 Global Shifts Colloquium, Seeking Refuge in the Climate Emergency – Day 2


2020 Global Shifts Colloquium, Seeking Refuge in the Climate Emergency – Day 2

Sign up for this virtual conversation, and details on how to take part will be in your order confirmation email.

Over the course of three days, we will bring leaders from across the world together in a series of virtual conversations about some of the most pressing issues of the climate change emergency, including human displacement.


The Honorable Chuck Hagel, former U.S. Secretary of Defense

A conversation about climate change and national security

Chuck Hagel was the 24th Secretary of Defense, serving from February 2013 to February 2015. He is the only Vietnam veteran and the first enlisted combat veteran to serve as Secretary of Defense. Prior to his leadership at the Pentagon, Hagel served two terms in the United States Senate (1997-2009) representing the state of Nebraska.

Some of his current commitments include service on the Board of Trustees of RAND; Senior Advisor to GALLUP; Centennial Scholar, Georgetown Walsh School of Foreign Service; and Distinguished Scholar, the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Hagel is the author of the book, America: Our Next Chapter, and a graduate of the University of Nebraska at Omaha.
