Banner for PDRI-DevLab Fall 2023 Workshop Series: Philip Smith


PDRI-DevLab Fall 2023 Workshop Series: Philip Smith

PDRI-DevLab is hosting a Fall 2023 Workshop Series featuring itsPDRI-DevLab staff and affiliates.

Topic: Event Driven PrEP Uptake Among Men in a High HIV Prevalence Setting

Presenter: Philip Smith

Session Details: Increasing the coverage of HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) among people living in high HIV prevalence settings is essential for ending the global AIDS epidemic. Young men (YM) in South Africa have the highest rate of premature death in the 15-34 year old age group globally at 619 per 100,000. Moreover, new HIV infections among women are driven, in part, by gaps in testing and prevention among men. Ultimately, increasing men’s uptake of HIV testing and HIV prevention must be prioritized to reduce HIV incidence among women and improve men’s HIV-related health outcomes by 2030.

We request that you read the paper prior to attending the workshop.

For more information, reach out to


Philip Smith

Philip Smith was previously a Behavioral Scientist at the Desmond Tutu Health Foundation (DTHF), at the Dept. of Medicine, University of Cape Town (UCT). He obtained his Masters at the UCT Dept. of Psychology (2010) and his PhD at the UCT Dept. of Medicine (2019). His work is primarily focused on pathways to generating and maintaining health and flourishing in under-served populations, focusing on structural and psychosocial factors that facilitate and hamper health-seeking behavior.
